Mission & Vision

Our vision is to establish a framework for our decision-making. While our strategies, actions, and mission may change over time, our vision, like our core values, remains steady and true. We can become a technical university of International Standards through continuous improvement.

Our vision is to be a world-class engineering institution recognized for excellence, innovation and the social relevance and impact of its pursuits.

Falcon aspires to be a national leader in undergraduate and graduate education, recognized for the success of our students and alumni, our innovative faculty and staff, and our local, national, and international partnerships. We are committed to provide quality Education and Training in Engineering and Technology to prepare students for life and work equipping them to contribute to the technological, economic and social development of India.

Core Values

  • Learning: -The College is a learner-centred institution that regards students as partners in the learning process and supports them in meeting their educational goals.
  • Excellence: -In its commitment to excellence, the College establishes high standards designed to promote and sustain learning in an innovative environment, thereby honouring the trust of its internal and external stakeholders.
  • Integrity:-The College maintains fair, honest, accurate and consistent policies and procedures to assure credibility and accountability.
  • Service:-The College builds lasting relationships with the communities it serves – recognizing the unique opportunity it has to positively impact the lives of both students and the greater citizenry.
  • Diversity:-Acknowledging the value of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, the College is a place of diversity, civility, and collegiality, and celebrates the benefits of mutual learning and growth from all.